Standard Embroidery
High quality, professional looking garments can be produced on our automatic, high-speed
Melco 16X embroidery machines.
•Yields: Vibrant, Professional Quality Stitching
Embroider on any color garment
•Price: Less expensive to More expensive, depending on the stitch count of your design
•Used For: Anything you'd like embroidered for that professional finish
Low Stitch Count
The lower the stitch count, the less expensive the embroidery will be. Low stitch count
embroidery tends to be characterized by text and outlines of images with little fill stitching.
Normal Stitch Count
Normal stitch count embroidery tends to be characterized by a combination of text and some
small filled in objects and logos. The majority of the overall area of the embroidery still is not
created with fill stitching.
High Stitch Count
The higher the stitch count, the more expensive the embroidery will be. High stitch count
embroidery tends to be characterized by the majority of the area of the design being filled in
with stitches.
Set Up Fee
Our embroidery department will create a digitized file of your design/logo to be used for your specific order. To do this we charge a one time set up fee. The cost will depend on the overall stitch count of your design/logo and how much time it takes to create said digitized file. Email [email protected] for a quote today!
Embroidered Personalized Names
Small individual names can be embroidered on certain apparel- email us for details and pricing